How To Restore Cancelled Applications (Management)

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How To Restore A Cancelled Application (Compliance)

Application processing in ExactEstate is streamlined and efficient. This page will detail how compliance can get started with processing an application.

To restore a canceled application, first click on the tab "Compliance (M)" in the side navigation. This will take you to a table laying out all active applications.

Selecting processing compliance link in ExactEstate
The "Processing (C)" link is the last link in the Applications section.

Find the application you want to restore in the table. A canceled application will have a red strikethrough, and a "YES" in the Canceled column.

Selecting a canceled application in ExactEstate
Simply click on the row of the applicant you wish to restore.

When you are on the processing page, find the button labeled "Remove Cancellation" on the Current Overall Status card.

Restoring a cancelled application in ExactEstate
NOTE: The application is canceled immediately after pressing cancel. There is no need to press "Update" to cancel an application.

When you have successfully canceled an application, the Current Overall Status will update to reflect this.

Application after its cancellation status has been revoked.
The cancellation message will be removed immediately.
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