How to Edit Resident Settings for the Resident Portal

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Resident Settings

First go to Admin Settings from the navigation.


Allow Residents to Submit Text on Form Submissions

The Resident Settings section of the Admin Settings page is pretty simple. You have the ability to "Allow Residents to Submit Text on Form Submissions", which is at this time associated with Work Order Submissions. If you have the option toggled to "On" Residents can submit text descriptions on Work Orders, if it is "Off" they are only able to select from drop-down options.

Please note that dropdown options Residents have for Work Order Submissions are added in System Setup with Work Order Categories and Items as well as Work Order Locations.

Change Passbook Savings Rate/Imputed Income

When projecting Annual Income to determine eligibility and tenant rent for the HUD affordable housing programs, PHAs and Owner/Agents must consider imputed income from the assets when the combined total of all family assets exceeds $5,000.

The rule states:

When net family assets are more than $5,000, annual income includes the greater of the following:

1) Actual income from assets; or
2) A percentage of the value of family assets based on the current passbook savings rate as established by HUD. This is called imputed income from assets.

The Passbook Savings Rate in ExactEstate will be associated with with our Income Certification for Affordable Housing as noted above. We would suggest checking before altering this value. But to edit it, click the link shown below.


On this page you can edit the value to be whatever is provided by HUD. Submitting the form will stored the new value in the system.


Link to Resident Portal

This is not editable because we would like this URL to be a static value, but if you would like a reference to where your Resident Portal is, this is located in this section of the Admin Settings page as shown below.

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